International Mobility of Dutch AI Researchers is High

The Rathenau Institute's latest report (in Dutch) on the international mobility of AI researchers shows that there is no "brain drain" of such expertise in the Netherlands but a "brain exchange".

As the importance and influence of AI increases within society, the Rathenau Institute will be releasing a series of publications to provide insight on the development of AI in The Netherlands. The first report explores the mobility of AI researchers, comparing The Netherlands with the 10 countries that had the highest publication output in the field of AI between 2009 and 2018.

The main points from the report:

  • The Netherlands is a brain exchange country in the field of AI research: inbound and outbound mobility are high and balanced.
  • The citation impact scores of Dutch AI research and the AI ​​researchers located here – an indicator of quality – are high.
  • The citation impact score of the departing AI researchers is slightly higher than that of incoming AI scientists – as with most countries in this comparison.

The Netherlands has a high circulation of AI researchers and is therefore successful in connecting scientists with a high citation impact for a shorter or longer period. There is also a lot of international collaboration: the majority of the AI ​​publications from Dutch research institutions are the result of international collaboration. In this way, The Netherlands achieves high-quality AI research.

Read the report in full (in Dutch).

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