Improving cancer treatments with AI technology

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) plan to jointly develop new AI algorithms to treat cancer more effectively.

Geert ten Dam and Marien van der Meer – president of the Executive Board of the UvA and director of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, respectively – signed an agreement for the launch of a new lab, which will form part of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI).

The aim of the collaboration is to treat cancer more effectively with the aid of AI. Prior to and during cancer treatments, a great deal of complex information about patients is made available, for example through medical imaging, pathology results, and DNA analysis. It remains challenging for medical specialists to choose and implement the best treatment based on all this information. The use of self-learning algorithms could offer a solution.

Read more on the UvA website.

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