High Performance Computing and Big Data Course

The objective of this course is to introduce individuals with limited programming knowledge to various HPC facilities. At the end of the course, they will be able to use them avoiding common pitfalls, thus saving them money and time.

Researchers and engineers from industry and academia alike frequently experience their daily work to be impeded by physical limitations of their ICT equipment: processing and storage capacity, visualization facilities and their integration. They feel that up-scaling to high performance computing (HPC) facilities would be very beneficial to their work, but don’t know how to do this and lack the time to investigate their options.

Researchers from the University of Amsterdam and high-performance computing experts from the SURF national Super Computing Center organize a course on ‘High Performance Computing and Big Data’, where researchers and engineers can learn about HPC, discuss their specific problems with experts and start to solve them on SURF’s state-of-the-art computing facilities.

The objective of this course is to introduce individuals with limited programming knowledge to various HPC facilities. At the end of the course, they will be able to use them avoiding common pitfalls, thus saving them money and time.

The course is taught in English and is composed of a number of independent modules touching on various HPC and Big Data issues:

  • Introduction to Unix, distributed systems, and Big Data
  • Using state-of-the-art Super Computers (with hands-on on the National Super Computer Cartesius and the Lisa cluster)
  • Cloud systems
  • GPU programming
  • Data management
  • Machine Learning
  • MPI/OpenMP approaches used in HPC and distributed computing

For more details about the schedule and registration, please visit the course website.

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