Fusion gives push to responsible AI

The fusion of the Smart Health Amsterdam initiative with Amsterdam AI became a reality on May 31st, 2023! All partners and collaborating companies celebrated the merger at the mayor’s residence in the capital.

Amsterdam Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs Mr Sofyan Mbarki, Chair of the Amsterdam AI governing board Ms Geert ten Dam, and Executive Director of the Amsterdam Economic Board Ms Nina Tellegen, were present for the official ratification of this milestone. The press of a button started an AI-generated ‘rhyme’.

Sofyan Mbarki: “Amsterdam has a long history of developing groundbreaking innovative technologies. We believe that by joining the forces of Smart Health Amsterdam and Amsterdam AI, citizens and society as a whole will benefit significantly from the outcome of future, accountable and life-changing health solutions.”

In a recent interview, Geert ten Dam welcomed the merger. “AI is becoming increasingly important for improving healthcare and joining forces was the next logical step for Smart Health Amsterdam and Amsterdam AI. The developments within AI are rapid and we can only keep up with these together. Our strength is the integrated approach to achieve responsible AI, and that is what we practice in Amsterdam and within the Amsterdam AI coalition.”

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