Careers in STEM: Opportunities in Data Science and AI are Endless

ADS Director, Lynda Hardman writes about the endless career opportunities for those choosing to study Data Science and AI.

For Media Planet’s latest campaign on Careers in STEM, Lynda Hardman writes about how technology has progressed rapidly in the last five years. As such the need for Data Science and AI expertise has increased significantly. Furthermore, the industries that need such expertise have also broadened, including finance, healthcare and agriculture.

Data Science and AI is affecting almost every aspect of our lives, whether we realise it or not. For instance, the City of Amsterdam is currently working with data scientists to improve everyday issues such as the collection of municipal waste.

Bringing together different data sources helps to better plan waste collection, avoiding complaints about full glass, plastic and paper containers while minimizing collection costs.

Read the full article (in Dutch) to find out about other applications of Data Science and AI.

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