Workshop on Semidefinite and Polynomial Optimization

This is a workshop co-organised by the CWI. This workshop is dedicated to recent developments in semidefinite and polynomial optimization, and their applications in combinatorial and continuous optimization, discrete geometry and quantum information. The program (under construction) will consist of invited lectures by experts in the field. It will also feature lectures by younger researchers and ample time will be left for free discussions.


Registration: Participation is free, but registration is mandatory since the workshop has a limited capacity. Please register here.
Location: CWI, room TBA, CWI, Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam.
Accommodation: Interested participants may make a hotel reservation at Hotel Casa for a corporate rate of 110 Eur (incl. breakfast, excl. city tax) on 28/08-01/09, and 179 Eur on 02/09. Please use the promotion code CWI2020 (and reserve in time). Hotel Casa (Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4, Amsterdam) is conveniently located near Amstel train station and from there you can walk, cycle or take the bus to CWI.
Organizers: Jop Briët (CWI), Monique Laurent (CWI, Tilburg University)

More info here!