Maintenance Lab | 4th floor | Jacob Mulderhuis

Workshop Data Sets

Become an AI expert in 1 day! Have you always been fascinated by robots, facial recognition and self-learning systems? Get started with Artificial Intelligence yourself. All you need is your laptop and mobile phone; no knowledge about AI.

On Tuesday 20 December, the AI4Students student council will teach you more about data sets under the supervision of Jurjen Helmus. In fact, you will build one yourself and make it work! That sounds harder than it is. Even if AI is still completely unknown to you, you can get started with your own mobile and laptop! So do you create your own data set? Roll up your sleeves for this hands-on workshop.

The student council is an initiative of the Center of Expertise Applied AI. Jurjen Helmus works in one of the AI ​​labs of this Center of Expertise: the Smart Asset Management Lab. The workshop takes place in his Maintenance Lab.

Sign up here.