Responsible and Ethical use of AI
We will be joined by two speakers who are experts in the field of Ethical and Responsible AI, Richard Benjamins and Aysenur Bilgin.
12:00 Introduction & Welcome
12:05 Talk #1 Responsible (use of) AI by Design
12:25 Q&A
12:35 Talk #2 Towards operationalising Responsible AI: AI FACT CHECKER
12:50 Q&A
13:00 End!
Talk #1 by Richard Benjamins
Dr. Richard Benjamins is Chief AI & Data Strategist at Telefonica. He is among the 100 most influential people in data-driven business (DataIQ 100, 2018). He is also co-founder and Vice President of the Spanish observatory for ethical and social impacts of AI (OdiseIA). He was Group Chief Data Officer at AXA (Insurance) and before that held for 10 years executive positions at Telefonica on Big Data and Analytics. He is the founder of Telefonica’s Big Data for Social Good department, a member of the B2G data-sharing Expert Group of the EC, and a frequent speaker on Artificial Intelligence events. He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science, has published over 100 scientific articles, and is author of the books “The myth of the algorithm: tales and truths of artificial intelligence” (Spanish) and “A Data-Driven Company” (forthcoming). He is strategic advisor of several start-ups, including BigML, Focus360 and Nexus Clips.
Responsible (use of) AI by Design
In the past few years, several large companies have published ethical principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI). National governments, the European Commission, and inter-governmental organizations have come up with requirements to ensure the good use of AI. However, individual organizations that want to join this effort, are faced with many unsolved questions. We propose guidelines for organizations committed to the responsible use of AI, but lack the required knowledge and experience. The guidelines consist of two parts: i) helping organizations to decide what principles to adopt, and ii) a methodology for implementing the principles in organizational processes.
Talks #2 by Aysenur Biligin
Aysenur Bilgin is a data scientist with an interdisciplinary interest in design, development and deployment of data-driven solutions. She has a background in computer engineering and adaptive intelligent systems; and holds a PhD in computer science from University of Essex (2015). She spent 3 years as a postdoc at CWI where she conducted Responsible AI research in collaborations with Elsevier and the National Library of the Netherlands. Some of her recent work at VIQTOR DAVIS focuses on tool development for operationalising Responsible AI through quantifying and benchmarking responsible data science practices.
Towards operationalising Responsible AI: AI FACT CHECKER
More details on the talks to be shared soon!Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term that brings together a variety of principles and practices for the purpose of making AI understandable, inclusive, safe, acceptable and equally beneficial for all people. Despite the growing awareness and the proliferation of guidelines as well as technical approaches that aim to operationalise Responsible AI, it still remains a challenge to translate these into real-world best practices and to assess such initiatives on a large-scale. In response, we have designed and developed an assessment tool that not only offers quantifying and benchmarking responsibility in AI initiatives but also empowers data (science) teams to identify and perform actionable improvements. This talk will present the four pillars of Responsible AI, namely Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality and Transparency (FACT). Building on these, I will introduce AI FACT CHECKER, an assessment tool for Responsible AI and expand on its current and future capabilities.
The event will be hosted online via Hopin, register here: