Academisch-cultureel centrum SPUI25, Spui, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Search Engines Amsterdam: Call and Chat Classification

This Friday we’ll have two talks followed by drinks. Our industrial speaker is Gianluigi Bardelloni, Data Engineer/Scientist at the KPN NL D&A Data Science Lab. He will talk about customer service call/chat classification at KPN. Our academic speaker will be announced shortly.


16:00-16:30 Gianluigi Bardelloni

16:30-17:00 To be announced

17:00-18:00 Drinks and snacks


Gianluigi Bardelloni – Customer service call/chat classification at KPN

Correctly classifying transcriptions of customer service calls/chat is crucial to identify bottlenecks in our internal business processes and improve our customers satisfaction. The task is quite challenging due to noisy transcriptions and poorly labeled data. We will show how we are trying to achieve satisfactory topic modeling using both supervised and unsupervised learning as well as by defining a specific domain ontology. Keywords: CNN, RNN, LSTM, Doc2Vec, Word2Vec, k-means, ontology, topic modeling