HvA, Kohnstammzaal (KSH 09A10), Kohnstammhuis (KSH), Wibautstraat 2-4, 1091 GM Amsterdam
Inaugural Lecture: Bert Bredeweg
AI in Education – Learning with Interactive Knowledge Representations
Learning is an active process in which knowledge is constructed. This process is unique for every student and requires individual support. Teaching materials and teaching methods should adapt to the specific needs of each student during the learning process. Developments in the field of AI & Education are now so advanced that interactive software can indeed adequately support students’ individual knowledge construction processes.
In his inaugural lecture, Professor of Tech-Enhanced STEM Education, Dr. Bert Bredeweg will discuss the power of interactive knowledge representations as a medium for knowledge construction. As an example, he will elaborate on conceptual modeling as a didactic form for creating knowledge about the behavior of dynamic systems. He will also illustrate how smart software components can support individual learners in this learning process as needed.
To register to attend, please follow this link.
This lecture will be in Dutch.