Auditorium – Old Lutherian Church, Singel 441, 1012XM, Amsterdam

Inaugural Lecture: Alfons Hoekstra

Can we predict your future?

Can your future be predicted? An intriguing question in that it asks about predicting ‘your’ future, rather than ‘the’ future. This could refer to tomorrow’s weather where you are, or for example, to how your health will be in the near, or not so near, future. Or to your well-being in the urban environment where most of us live today.

In his inaugural lecture, Professor Alfons Hoekstra will show that, within his field of Computational Science & Engineering, the question can be answered with a cautious ‘yes’.

Hoekstra will show what the minimum ingredients are to be able to do this, using examples from research in the UvA’s Computational Science Lab. He will present research into health and illness, and work on a virtual physiological human, your digital twin. He will conclude by considering how Computational Science and AI/machine learning can help each other in making increasingly accurate predictions about the future.

About the Speaker

Alfons Hoekstra is professor of Computational Science and Engineering at UvA. On the 1st January 2020 he was appointed Director of the Informatics Institute (IvI) at UvA, succeeding Marcel Worring, professor of Data Science for Business Analytics. Hoekstra has been affiliated with the UvA since 1994 and in 2019 he was appointed full professor Computational Science and Engineering. He leads the Computational Science Lab at IvI. His research interests are multiscale modelling and computing, uncertainty quantification, and the Virtual Physiological Human.


Date: Friday 17th November 2019
Time: 16:00
Location: Auditorium – Old Lutherian Church, Singel 441, 1012XM, Amsterdam