ICAI: The Labs – AI for individual medical precision in the Netherlands
In May, ICAI: The Labs is focused on AI for individual medical precision in the Netherlands. The Civic AI Lab and the AI for Precision Health Nutrition each present their work and discuss challenges and developments made in this field.
The Civic AI Lab is a collaboration between City of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and University of Amsterdam (UvA). Civic AI Lab focuses on the application of artificial intelligence in the fields of education, welfare, environment, mobility, and health.
AI for Precision Health, Nutrition & Behaviour Lab is a collaboration between Radboud University, OnePlanet Research Center, Radboudumc, Wageningen University & Research and nine industry partners. This lab focuses on the development of AI solutions for encouragement of healthy behaviour in humans, with a specific focus on precision health and nutrition.
12.00 (noon): Opening
12:05: Introduction of the Civic AI Lab by Fernando Santos (UvA)
12:15: Civic AI Lab will present “‘AI for Health in the Public Sector: XAI for Assessing Fairness and Informing Decisions”
12.25: Introduction of the AI for Precision Health, Nutrition & Behaviour Lab by Tibor Bosse (RU)
12:30: Erkan Başar (RU) presents “On Controlled Usage of Open-domain Language Models for Chatbots in Highly Sensitive Domains.”
12.45: Discussion what’s next in AI for individual medical precision in the Netherlands
13.00: End