ICAI Science Talk — Trevor Darrell (UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Trevor Darell (UC Berkeley)
Title: Adaptive Deep Learning for Perception, Action, and Explanation
Abstract: Learning of layered or “deep” representations has provided significant advances in computer vision in recent years, but has traditionally been limited to fully supervised settings with very large amounts of training data, where the model lacked interpretability. New results in adversarial adaptive representation learning show how such methods can also excel when learning across modalities and domains, and further can be trained or constrained to provide natural language explanations or multimodal visualizations to their users. I’ll present recent long-term recurrent network models that learn cross-modal description and explanation, using implicit and explicit approaches, which can be applied to domains including fine-grained recognition and visuomotor policies.
Bio: Trevor Darrell is on the faculty of the CS and EE Divisions of the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. He leads Berkeley’s DeepDrive (BDD) Industrial Consortia, is co-Director of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) lab, and is Faculty Director of PATH at UC Berkeley. Darrell’s group develops algorithms for large-scale perceptual learning, including object and activity recognition and detection, for a variety of applications including autonomous vehicles, media search, and multimodal interaction with robots and mobile devices. His areas of interest include computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, and perception-based human computer interfaces. Prof. Darrell previously led the vision group at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, and was on the faculty of the MIT EECS department from 1999-2008, where he directed the Vision Interface Group. He was a member of the research staff at Interval Research Corporation from 1996-1999, and received the S.M., and PhD. degrees from MIT in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He obtained the B.S.E. degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988.
Prof. Darrell also serves as consulting Chief Scientist for the start-up Nexar, and is a technical consultant on deep learning and computer vision for Pinterest. Darrell is on the scientific advisory board of several other ventures, including DeepScale, WaveOne, SafelyYou, and Graymatics. Previously, Darrell advised Tyzx (acquired by Intel), IQ Engines (acquired by Yahoo), Koozoo, BotSquare/Flutter (acquired by Google), and MetaMind (acquired by Salesforce). As time permits, Darrell has served and is available as an expert witness for patent litigation relating to computer vision.
Time: Friday October 19, 2018, 12-13hrs
Location: Room C0.005, Science Park 904, Amsterdam