
ICAI: Deep-Dive Open-Source Resources in the NL

ICAI Deep-Dive is a community meetup that focuses on shared interested topics and subjects in-depth, despite the differences of the primary research domains of each community member and lab. The aim is to promote knowledge production, transferring, and utilization via experience sharing and open discussion, finding solutions for the common challenges and issues in the community.

We will focus the Deep-Dive in the April version on discussing open-source resources.


12:00 Opening by YaSuei Cheng (ICAI, UvA)
12:05 Sebastian Schelter (Air Lab, UvA, Apache Software Foundation ) leads a discussion on “Licenses and Real-world experiences.”
12:25 Clemencia Siro (UvA) leads a discussion on “NLP to Low-Resource Settings.
12:40 James Meakin (AI for Health lab, RadboudUMC, ) and Andre Dekker (Brightlands Smart Health Lab, UM) lead a discussion on “Community building and funding of infrastructure software development.”
13:00 End