Amsterdam Startup Village
ICAI Atlas Lab Opening
This means they have exciting research to showcase the use of AI to develop advanced, highly accurate and safe high definition (HD) maps for self-driving vehicles.
The program features:
– Academic keynote by prof. dr. Daniel Cremers from Technical University of Munich;
– Overview of the Atlas Lab by lab manager dr. Martin Oswald and Atlas PhD students;
– Presentation by Corinne Vigreux (Co-Founder and CMO at Tomtom);
– Opening ceremony by prof. dr. Geert T.M. ten Dam (Chair Executive Board UvA) and prof. dr. Alfons Hoekstra (director Informatics Institute).
ICAI cordially invites you to the official opening on Thursday 15 September 2022 from 15:00 to 16:45 (with drinks and networking 16:45-18:00) at Amsterdam Startup Village, Science Park 608, Amsterdam.