Science Park 904, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Deep Learning: Powering the AI Revolution
BackToBasic is the annual UvA Information Sciences event where alumni, students, researchers, lecturers and others interested meet informally to discuss topics in the Information Sciences.
This year’s event will be on Friday 1 June 2018 and is themed Deep Learning: Powering the AI Revolution.
Two exciting keynote speakers will present their views on this subject:
Prof.Dr. Alexei A. Efros, UC Berkeley and Dr. Zeynep Akata, Machine Learning, Informatics Institute UvA.
Afterwards, there will be ample opportunity to meet with old friends, class mates and co-workers over drinks. In addition, companies are invited to present themselves to students, alumni and researchers, so strong working relationships can be found and maintained easily.
Date: Friday 1 June 2018 from 17:00 to 21:00.
Register and save the date in your calendar!