UvA Roeterseiland, Roetersstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Workshop on Database Management & Elasticsearch by Damian Trilling

Workshop on Database Management & Elasticsearch by Damian Trilling
More specifically, Damian will cover:
– When to use databases instead of files
– How to choose the right database: Relational vs NoSQL databases

– Example: Setting up and using elasticsearch
Data is one of our most valuable assets as (computational) researchers, and managing it correctly can save us immense amounts of time. In fact, poor management can lead to serious troubles down the road, such as inconsistencies and unmanageable slow query responses. On the other hand, sometimes it can be better to have messy data instead of no data. Damian uses big amounts of media data. He recently dove into the question of best practices concerning the type of database,  database schema and search algorithms,  together with his research group. He will share his knowledge and experiences with us.