VU Amsterdam, De Boelelaan, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Data Science with Humans in the Loop on 14-15 September
On 14-15 September 2017, the Human Computation Community in the Netherlands (HComp-NL), supported by 4TU-NIRICT, is organising a series of events at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in conjunction with the inaugural lecture of prof. dr. Lora Aroyo entitled “Data Science with Humans in the Loop“. You are cordially invited to participate in all of them. Below you can find the detailed program and locations. Please register for the event(s) HERE
Inaugural lecture, prof. dr. Lora Aroyo
Location: Aula, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Address: De Boelelaan 1105
Day: Friday 15 September
Time: 15:45
The inaugural lecture will be preceeded by a two-part symposium, also held at the VU University Amsterdam
HComp-NL Symposium Part I: Tutorial session in the field of Human Computation
This session is specifically aimed at PhD students and postdocs and will provide practical experiences on how various forms of crowdsourcing, nichesourcing, human computation and citizen science can help gather, harness and capture human knowledge at scale and thus ultimately improve machine-based systems.
Location: IntertainLab, FEW Building, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Address: De Boelelaan 1081
Day: Thursday 14 September
Time: 14:30 – 17:30
HComp-NL Symposium Part II: Symposium with invited talks
This session of the symposium will present a number of international researchers from academia and industry all working in different fields of human computation and user-generated content
Location: C659, FEW Building, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Address: De Boelelaan 1081
Day: Friday 15 September
Time: 11:30 – 13:30
11:30 – 12:00 Elena Simperl, University of Southampton
12:00 – 12:30 Alessandro Bozzon, TU Delft
12:30 – 13:00 Zoltán Szlávik, IBM Benelux
13:00 – 13:30 Chris Welty, Google Research
Please register for the event(s) HERE