ADS & VIA Webinar | A-Z in Data Science: ML & Symbolics

Amsterdam Data Science (ADS) is hosting a new webinar series in collaboration with the Study Associations from the UvA and VU to explore the A-Z in Data Science.

In this webinar we will be exploring ML & Symbolics, an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.


Anita Awolaja & Yunus Demir (Q&A)


12:00 Introduction & Welcome
12:05 Talk #1 Design patterns for Hybrid Learning and Reasoning systems
12:20 Q&A
12:30 Talk #2 Linked Data Knowledge Graphs with TriplyDB Presentation
12:50 Q&A
13:00 End!

Talk #1 by Annette ten Teije

Annette ten Teije is an associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her interests are in knowledge modelling, representation and reasoning in the medical domain. She earned a PhD (1997) from the University of Amsterdam (SWI) for her thesis entitled “Automated configuration of problem solving methods in diagnosis”. She was involved in a number of EU-funded projects IBROW project under the FET-O programme, Protocure-II project, concerned with formal modelling and verification of medical guidelines and protocols, WS-DIAMOND FET-Open project concerned with self-healing web-services, FP7-ICT EURECA project concerned with enabling information re-use by linking clinical research and clinical care. She was program co-chair for the 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (2012), and was the general chair of the 16th conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

Recent years we have seen a strong increase in interest in combining Machine Learning methods with Knowledge Representation methods. We have proposed a set of compositional design patterns to describe a large variety of systems that combine statistical techniques from machine learning with symbolic techniques from knowledge representation. In this talk Annette will discuss a number of those patterns, and how these patterns can be used in the medical domain.

Talk #2 by Wouter Beek

Wouter Beek is co-founder of Triply BV, a company that offers Linked Data software and services, and guest-researcher at the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) research group at VU University Amsterdam. Wouter is interested in the Semantic Web as a platform for knowledge-intensive applications, the deployment of large-scale knowledge bases for innovative reuse, and the interaction between Web semantics and pragmatics.

Recent years have seen an increase in the use of Knowledge Graphs worldwide: Companies like Google and Reuters, and products like Siri and Alexa are using Knowledge Graphs. TriplyDB is a new product that allows Linked Data Knowledge Graphs to be used in large-scale production systems. Wouter Beek will highlight some of the main benefits of the use of TriplyDB for companies and governments.

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