ADS & AMDS Webinar | The balance between Privacy & Health during COVID-19

Amsterdam Data Science (ADS) and Amsterdam Medical Data Science (AMDS) are co-hosting a new lecture series in collaboration with Elsevier and Google to explore The Power and Weakness of Data Modelling in COVID-19.

Aims of this series:

  • Showcase the power and limitations of data centred approaches
  • Jointly understand and learn from the different COVID approaches and views
  • Shape the time for Data Science research/education after the lock-down

Lecture 4: The delicate balance between Privacy and Health during COVID-19


12:00 Welcome & Introduction
12:05 Talk by Hester de Vries (Kennedy Van der Laan)
12:40 Q&A
13:00 End!

It is a very delicate ethical question that appears with the COVID-19 App: on the one hand the Health of the population which is at stake, on the other hand the Privacy of the individual. Apart from this ethical question, there is also a relevant technical question: could Health Apps really help to reduce the transmission of COVID-19? Or is this an idea that has never been proven?

Marc Salomon (ABS UvA, ADS) and Paul Elbers (AUMC, AMDS)

Hester de Vries, Attorney at Law (Kennedy Van der Laan)
Title: GDPR & COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is an exceptional and developing situation. Organizations feel the need to immediately take precautionary measures to prevent or limit the (further) spread of the virus where possible. Crisis situations for their organization must be averted from a human, functional and financial standpoint.

The precautionary measures often result in some kind of processing personal data. Concerns are growing about the intensity and spread of monitoring techniques in order to try and keep control of the virus. Will China become our foreland in respect of surveillance as well?

In order for an organization to legitimately process personal data, and in particular: health data, the (strict) rules of GDPR and the applicable local implementation acts need to be complied with. In this webinar, Hester de Vries will focus on some typical questions regarding the legitimacy of temperature measuring at the workplace and some new forms of monitoring techniques developed in the course of the COVID-19 Pandemic, including proximity notification apps.

Date: 1 July 2020
Time: 12:00-13:00
