Lab42 Science Park

ADS AI Tech Week: Business, Finance and AI

The purpose of ADS AI Tech Week is to offer a stage to the Data Science and AI ecosystem in Amsterdam. The content invites collaboration between academic, societal and industry-oriented organisations spread out over 3 themes. The aim of this is to facilitate cross-sector, multi-disciplinary networking and knowledge sharing.

The AI Tech Week will cover 3 days (afternoons). Each day has its own theme and moderator and will speak to a different sector.

  • DAY 1 (16.00-17.00): Business, Finance and AI (Tuesday, 7th of March 2023)
  • DAY 2 (16.00-17.00): Health (Wednesday, 8th of March 2023)
  • DAY 3 (15:30 – 16:30): Public (Thursday, 9th of March 2023)

Location: LAB42, Science Park, Room: L2.06

15:55 Walk-in
16:00 Introduction & Welcome
16:05 Talk #1: Simon Trimborn
16:20 Discussion
16:25 Talk #2: Ilker Birbil
16:40 Discussion
17:05 End of talks
17:10 End!

Talk #1: Simon Trimborn (University of Amsterdam – Amsterdam School of Economics)
Simon is an Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Data Science at the Amsterdam School of EconomicsUniversity of Amsterdam. Before joining the UvA, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Sciences at College of Business, City University of Hong Kong and an Affiliate Assistant Professor at the School of Data Science and Department of Biostatistics.

Research: His work focuses on high dimensional data analysis for time series data with which he tackles specific problems of the cryptocurrency market and the blockchain from an econometric and statistical point of view. The studies are targeted at developing methods and methodologies to provide economically meaningful insights. His publications and ongoing work span:

  • Network Models & Complex Systems Analysis
  • Investment Methodologies & Market Index Construction
  • Text Mining & Dimension Reduction techniques
  • Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Analysis.

Talk #2: Ilker Birbil (Professor of AI & Optimization Techniques for Business & Society, Faculty of Economics and Business, Section Business Analytics)
Iker is a professor of AI & Optimization Techniques for Business & Society in University of Amsterdam (UvA), where he is a faculty member at the Business Analytics section of the Amsterdam Business School (ABS). In the past, he had served for three years as a professor of Data Science and Optimization at the Department of Econometrics of Erasmus University (EUR), and before EUR, he had been a professor of optimization at the Industrial Engineering Department of Sabancı University for more than a decade.

His research interests center around optimization methods in data science and decision making. Lately, he is interested in interpretable machine learning and data privacy in operations research.